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I will only continue creating Resource Pages if I hear from you.
A "Treasure Trove" of "Love & Romance." ideas and resources.
Send us your ideas and Check back often.
As more content is available, it will be added to this page.
If you wish to DONATE CLICK HERE.
Here we share all the best ideas submitted to us:
Training and Video resources for:
Sentimental & humorous tag lines, for Greetings, signature lines and products. Tag lines for
Pre-printed art
Art on demand
Let us know what you are looking for!
Email us at
If you have a great idea for Love & Romance gifts, then let us know and we will share it here.
The more we all share the more successful we will all be.
Use the contact form link below or
EMAIL ideas to .
Print a combo, two Names, on their choice of art.
Poems often say it exactly right!
Your customers will appreciate the personalization you can do for them.
With GrafixSoft " Art-On-Demand" templates you can add photos auto-blended into the art.
Participate in your local Valentine Craft Shows & Boutiques. Look up events in your area.
Often Book Stores, Gift Shops, Malls, or even the Elk Lodge, will allow a temporary display.
As a fundraiser, we have supported Church & "School craft Days." Kids take a flyer (you prepare) home for parents to select the gifts they want their child to create at the "Craft Day" activity. The forms and money is returned to the teachers involved. You pre-print the art and bring the materials to the classroom for the children to customize, sign and assemble. the gifts. The class keeps a portion of the money for their fundraiser. It is a lot of work but it gets your name out into the public for future gifts the family might want later on.
Training and Video resources...
Future training's will include...
First, what is the Bridge? What does it do? How do we use it?
We can use the BRIDGE in the First Name Almanac or the Gift Factory to capture from the PREVIEW screen and then use the capture to transfer the text captured into the EasyGiftWizard or PaintShop-PRO.
NOTE: An alternative to using the BRIDGE is to use SnagIt "Copy to text" feature. SnagIt Video
See GRANT OF LICENSE and COPYRIGHT notices at the bottom of this section!
Below this section are the training videos on USING THE BRIDGE" to create poems. CLICK HERE TO GO THERE NOW!
The Bridge is a capture, OCR application. OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. An OCR app can convert the "image of text" (a photo) into true text that can be edited and manipulated in a word processor or text editor then printed, etc. An "image of text" is a photo of text, like the photo of a roadside billboard, your driver's license, or the photo of the page in a book. The "image of text" is not the same as text. Just the same as the image of a cow is not the cow itself. You can milk a cow but you can not get milk from the "image of a cow." In the same way, the image of text is not text! You need an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) app to convert the "image of text" into text, so you can use it in a text editor of some kind.
Below are training videos on USING THE BRIDGE" to create poems. CLICK TO GO THERE NOW!
Other information on "Using the Bridge"
GRANT OF LICENSE: The Poems and Names text in the EasyGiftWizard as well as the apps First Name Almanac and both the English and Spanish Gift Factory is copyrighted. EasyGitWizard subscribers and licensees are expressly granted a single-use license to use the BRIDGE or SnagIt to capture and use this copyrighted data to create individual items one at a time using the data captured from applications only. You may NOT use it to create a database of your own or to save this data in any other way outside the above allowed special case. No other use is provided for. To do so would be outside the license granted and is a violation of copyright law and is subject to fine and prosecution.
Willful copyright infringement is a federal crime that carries penalties for
first time offenders of up to five years in federal prison, a $250,000 fine,
forfeiture and restitution {17 us. C§ 506, 18 (1.5. 0. § 231.9). Intentionally and
knowingly trafficking in counterfeit goods is a federal crime that carries penalties for first time offenders of up to ten years in federal prison, a $2,000,000 fine, forfeiture and restitution {18 (1.5. 0. § 2320).
Clipboard History must be ON to take full advantage of the BRIDGE.
NOTE: This only needs done once. ON will be saved as your default.
NOTE: ctrl-c, ctrl+v, WinKey+v, and WinKey+q, respectively, mean to use a two-key combination.
IE: Press the WinKey, and the q key together by holding down the WinKey and while holding it tap the q key letting off both at the same time. This action is denoted by WinKey+q.
Here we learn how to capture and add a poem from a text resource.
Note: if the Windows Clipboard is not activated do so now!
Learn how to change the font in a poem.
Learn how to use the Bridge.
NOTE: Using the mouse text capture method taught in an earlier video will not work here because the text in an image is NOT text! It is an image of text; a photo of text.
Be awair: If you want to change the default HOT-KEY, then right-clicking on the icon in the system tray will allow changes to the defaults.
In order to add a poem already captured in the Windows Clipboard...
To add a new poem utilizing an existing poem using the Bridge...
NOTE: if you are having problems capturing accurately you might consider the following. Use Arial Black font with font size 100%, add a white background to use.
This section covers Love & Romance Poems.
Many poems in the Gift Factory can be used for Romantic or Valentines' poems just by changing a few words or adding an appropriate Tag line (Signature or Greeting, one-liners)
Send Grandma a Valentine by using a Grandma poem, etc.
Your own poems can be added by using the menu option "Create and Add My Own Poetry & Verse." Copy the poem and paste it in. This is detailed in the training video at this time marker:
04:47 - Save as a NEW poem.
We have assembled several poems that are legal for you to use in your creative projects. Using the methods shown in the training video, as noted in the previous section, you can add these poems to your KKSoft Gift Factory app.
Here are the simple steps...
There are many poems in the public domain. The "public domain" and "Creative Commons licensing", consists of works that are not protected by copyright or failed to meet the standards for copyright protection. Such works can be used freely, whether in readings, in print or in other creative projects.
In the U.S., Public Domain Poems include poems first published before 1921. For "Creative Commons" works you must follow the licensing outlined for the release of the work.
DO NOT USE POEMS if you do not know of their source! They may be under copyright.
It is NOT required to identify copyright by marking it as copyrighted nor to formally register poems with the U.S. Copyright Office. Poems enjoy automatic copyright protection the moment they are recorded in a tangible form, such as writing them down on paper or typing them into a word processing program and saving the file to your computer’s hard drive.
Here are the simple steps...
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes…
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we —
Of many far wiser than we —
And neither the angels in Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of as beautiful as thee.
© 2020, Adapted from
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
A Red, Red Rose
O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
O my Luve is like the melody
That’s sweetly played in tune.
Dear Cupid, next time hit us both!
When you feel lonely, turn off the lights and put on a scarry movie. You wont feel alone any more!
I have found my way back to your heart like a stray dog finds his way back home. Thank you for letting me in every time.
“Here’s to stocking up on half-priced candy on February 15th!”
If you feel lonely today, just remind yourself that yesterday you felt the same as today, and tomorrow will not be different either.
“Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sunflowers are yellow, I bet you were expecting something romantic, but these are just gardening facts.”
I Love you more than coffee, but please don't make me prove it
“You’re so lucky to have me.”
“I love you just the way I am!”
" Hold me in the Rain"
"Because being together is enough"
"Give me a kiss to build a dream on.." (song by Louis Armstrong- great for a wedding or anniversary page)
"I Love You More Than Cocolate!"
"I Love You More Than Food!"
"Music of the Heart"
"No day but today." ('Rent' song)
"the course of true love never did run smooth" William Shakespeare
"The Reason I Breathe is You"
"Two Hearts that beat as One"
"wuv" is better than "love"
"You smile like the sun that shines through the rain...LOVE U"
'Lil Luv Bug
(# months/years) & forever to go!
(Heart) My Guys
*Always & Forever* Just Me and You
. . .and the greatest of these is love.
10 Things I Hate About You
2 Love Is 2 Be
A Child's Love
A Dream Come True
A Hug A Day Keeps The Meanies Away
a hundred hearts would be to few to carry all my love for you.
A Kiss to Build a Dream On
A Kiss to build a dream on
A love of A Lifetime
A Love Story
A Love To Last a Lifetime
A Miracle Starts With a Beat of a Heart
A Single Rose
A Special Kind of Love
A Special Kinda Love
All things grow better with love.
Always and forever with all of my heart
Always love your family forever!Never forget who loves you the most. because they do.
An Endless Love
An Everlasting Love
Anatomy of a Broken Heart
And the Two Become One
And They Said It Would Never Last!!!
and you are all mine
Attached at the heart
Babies Fill the Home With Love!
Baby Girl Jam 1995
Be mine
Be My Valentine!!
Beautiful Distraction
Beautiful Distraction
Beautiful Eyes, Beautiful Smile, Beautiful YOU.
Bit by the Love Bug
Bound by a Common Love
Butterfly kisses
Can't Get Enough Of This Everyday Love
capture the kiss
Celebrate Love
Chocolate and Roses
Choose Thy Love - Love Thy Choice
Circle of Love
Circle of Love
crazy about you
Crazy for you!
Creating A Legacy of Love
Dedicated to the One I Love
Defining Moment
Diagnosis: Lovesick
Do what you love
Doctor Love
El hombre de mis sueños
Eskimo Kisses
Every where she goes, a million dreams of Love surround her.
Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Proverbs 30:5
Everything Grows With Love
Expressions of Love
Fairy tales do come true.
fall in love!
Fall in love, and you'll fall forever!
Falling For You
First Comes Love
Fish Kiss
Flowers are Love's Truest Language
Flowers are Love's Truest Language
For the first time I am looking in your eyes
Forever & A Day!
Forever Yours
From This Moment
Fun Lovin'
Gracias por la vida, gracias por el amor
Happily Ever After...
Happiness is being near you.
Happiness is...
Happiness is...
Happy Anniversary, (#) years of you & me
Happy Yesterdays, Happier Tomorrows
He asked, I said Yes!
He holds the key to my heart
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not...
Head over heals in love
Heart broken and wont forgive the person who made it that way
Heart Whispers
Hearts Knit Together
Heaven Sent
Hogar es donde Tu corazon esta!
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Hopelessly Devoted to You
How Do I Get You Alone ???
How Do I Love Thee...
How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways...
How sweet it is to be loved by you
How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You!
Hug someone today
Hug you! Squeeze you! Love you!
Hugs & Kisses
Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love
I Believe in Love
I carry your heart
I Cherryish You
I Do Cherish You
I HAVE FOUND the one WHOM my soul LOVES
I love to love you.
i love you all the way down to your toes
I Love You Always Forever
I love you more than all of the stars in the sky. I love you more than all of the sand on the beaches.
I love you more than the moon, the stars, and the sky above.
I love you to the moon and back
I Love You!
I love you...Today, tommorrow and forever
I wanna be LOVED by you!
I will never be untrue
I'm addicted to LOVE
I'm gonna marry that boy!
I'm His
I'm Yours Forever
If I could sit on the porch with God, the first thing I would do is thank him for you....
Imprint On My Heart
In this moment
Inside Your Hug
It had To Be You
It's a love thing
it's in the kiss
January, February, March, April, May...Baby, I love you more & more each & everyday!
Just A Closer Walk With Thee...
Just the two of us
Just the two of us...
kiss and tell
Kiss her, Kiss her, Kiss her
kiss the girl
Listen with your heart
Live Laugh Love
LIVE like its your last day LAUGH like no ones listening LOVE like you have never loved before
Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
Live, Love, and Laugh
Livin' on Love
Living my Happily Ever After
Look into my eyes
Love Begins in a Moment, Grows Over Time, and Lasts for Eternity
Love Bugs
Love is a Collaboration
Love is a Grand Thing...Love Never Fails.
Love is a Wonderful Thing
Love is all you need.
Love is all, all is love
Love is an ever-sweet candy, a treat for hearts...
Love is friendship set on fire
Love Is In The Air
Love is Life
Love is like your heart, it only beats for one.
Love Lessons
Love like you've never been hurt.
Love Makes a Family
Love Me Tender
Love me, love my ferret
Love Never Fails
Love One Another
Love Story
Love Swept
Love, Love Me Do
Loving You
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky in love
Lucky in Love
Luna de Miel (Honeymoon in Spanish)
Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me!
Making Love inside a Glass Tulip
Making Memories Of US
Mars Vs. Venus
Me & You
Meant to be
Memories .. like the corners of my mind!
Memories made with love
Men. Can't live with them, can't live without them.
Mi Amore
Mi principe azul
more than just a kiss
My Endless Love
My Family
My Guy
My heart swells so full of love for you that it aches!
My Knight in Shining Armor
My love, My life, My everything.
my man, Anthony
My Sweetest Heart
No Greater Love
Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.
now i know what love is
Once their was a loyal Prince...
Once Upon A Time...
One Hand, One Heart
Our love is like a song, we'll remember, and sing back to each other!!!
P.S. I love you
Passion or Obsession?
Proud Wife of Christian
Psst...I Love You!
Puppy Love
Rare is the day that I don't think of you
Rare is the day that I don't think of you
RAWR! (means "I Love You" in Dinosaur)
Reasons to Love You
Sealed with a kiss
See How She Loves...
Simply stated
Smile Now Cry Later
Snuggle Up.
So Far, So Good
So Happy Together
So many frogs, so few princes.
So Smoochable
So This Is Love
Somebunny loves you!
Still Going Strong After All Theses Years
Still The One
Take my love, for love is everlasting
Te Amo
Ten Things I Love About You
Thankful for your love
that kiss
The Best Things in Life are Always Free
The colour of my love
The face on the walls of my Heart.
The Greatest Love of All...
The Greatest of These...Is Love
The Honeymooners!
The passions on the sand.
The Rain made Love to Me...
The Story Of Us
The Way You Look Tonight
Then and Now
Then, Now and Forever
There’s Nothing Better Than Love
These Things Remind Me Of You...
They say that the couple that "Insert activity" together stays together... They say that right?
Things I LOVE!~*
This I Promise You...
This is Love
This Kiss
Through the Years
til Death
Together is the best place to be.
Together, At Last
True Love Stories Never Have Endings
Two of a kind
Two Peas in a Pod
Two Peas in a Pod
Unconditional Love
Unidos por nuestro amor
We Belong Together
We've Made It This Far!
What lies beneath..
When I first saw you.....
When I Kiss You.........The Fireworks Go Off In My Head
When I look at you, all I feel is...LOVE
When I'm with you...time stands still
When You Say Nothing At All
Where Have You Been All My Life?
Where there is love, there if life!
Where would I be without you?
Whispering Hearts
Who don't know what Love is yet ?
Who Wrote the book of Love?
With all my heart
Without You I'd Be Miserable At Best
You And I Colide
You Are Everything
You are loved
You are my light in the dark ... the place I call home.
You Are My Sunshine
You are the key to my heart
You are the song in my heart
You Complete Me
You Have The Key To My Heart....
You Hold My Heart in Your Hands
YOU hold the key to my heart
You will always be in my heart
You're Just To good To Be True!
You're Just Too Good to Be True!
You're my best friend
You're my Favorite
You're Still the One!!!
You're the reason I believe in love...
You've captured my heart
Wedding Day
Click the image to view and download. Check back often as we will cycle a variety of art here.
By downloading this art you agree to the Grafixsoft "Art & Software Use License "
If you wish to DONATE CLICK HERE.
Our PAOD™ (Print-Art-On-Demand™) is being replaced. Contact us if you have an interest in any of them.